Consuelo: CMETrust Activator

Board Member Consuelo ran in the Ottawa Race Weekend to raise money for CMETrust. Here is her journey as a CMETrust Activator, in her own words.

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Averie: CMETrust Activator

Averie, a long-time friend of CMETrust, decided to run a Giving Tuesday campaign in honour of our Tenth Anniversary year. 

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Leah: CMETrust Activator

Leah is a CMETrust Board Member, and Co-Chair of the Tenth Anniversary Campaign. In 2016, she participated in the Canada Africa Partnership Ride, organized by CAP Network, to raise money for CMETrust. 

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Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our Bright Futures 10th Anniversary campaign. This campaign is a combination of outreach, fundraising, and events designed to celebrate our scholars, increase awareness about the work of CMETrust, and secure the funds necessary to expand and sustain our scholarship program.

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