Averie: CMETrust Activator

Averie, a long-time friend of CMETrust, decided to run a Giving Tuesday campaign in honour of our Tenth Anniversary year. 

Averie.jpgAverie sent out a series of emails to her family and friends over the course of one month, starting with Giving Tuesday. In her emails, she shared information about CMETrust and Mathare, and requested support. Her family and friends donated through Averie’s personal fundraising page on our website.

“I ran the Giving Tuesday campaign to give my family and friends an opportunity to support CMETrust, an organization I know makes a huge difference, not only for individuals, but for an entire community, during the holiday giving season. The campaign was a huge success, with 52 donors and $4500 raised!” Averie said.

It certainly was a success!! $4500 is enough to provide an entire 4-year secondary school scholarship for a young person in Mathare, with some left over to support computer training for our secondary school graduates.

Thanks to Averie, her family, and friends for activating for CMETrust!


CMETrust is seeking 100 Activators, each working towards a $1000 fundraising goal through a cool event, campaign, or initiative. Together, we can raise enough for 100 scholarships! To learn more and sign up, go here


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