A (News)letter of Appreciation

In these difficult times, it can be hard to feel grateful, even as we come up to Thanksgiving.

But here at CMETrust, we can't help but appreciate the dedication of our scholars, the innovation and leadership of our alumni and Kenyan team, and the generosity of our donors.

We have accomplished so much during this challenging time. It's truly impressive and worth celebrating. In the coming weeks we'll be shining a spotlight on some of the people who have kept us motivated and moving forward through COVID-19, and sharing ways you can help to support them, and ultimately, our scholars.  

Mathare Update

Because of our Funders

We continue to monitor the situation in Mathare, and work with our staff, alumni and volunteers in Kenya to find opportunities to support our scholars, their families and the larger community.

Through the generous support of our funding partners at the Addax and Oryx Foundation, we have been able to organize more supply drops in Mathare throughout the fall to ensure needed food and hygiene supplies remain accessible. We have also been able to provide more robust support for virtual learning as our scholars continue to remain focused on their studies even while at home with either families. 

A Just Recovery 

CMETrust has also endorsed Six Principles for a Just Recovery. These principles were developed by organizations working together from communities across Canada, and outline a commitment to a just future that puts the health and wellbeing of ALL peoples and ecosystems first, and supports a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable society.

Scholar Update

Our scholars continue to focus on their studies as the Kenyan government works on its plans for safely returning students to their classrooms. Tentative deadlines will see schools opening to students again in October, though timing is dependent on how the virus manifests over the coming weeks. 

We are working with our teams on the ground and education representatives to better understand what impact the school hiatus has had on tuition fees and credit completion for our scholars. 

Learning Life Skills

Our students stepped out of the virtual classroom for a week of life skills learning, attending a variety of workshops taking on topics including mindset shift, sexuality, resilience, and making hard decisions. We are so grateful for all the speakers who shared their time with us. Find out more about the week on our Facebook page

Board Update

We're looking for a Volunteer Coordinator

If you're looking for a great volunteer opportunity, look no further than our Volunteer Coordinator  position. Help CMETrust shape and implement our volunteer strategy. Sound intriguing? You can find the full description on our website. You can also peruse our volunteer opportunities in fundraising and information management! 

Calling all Government of Canada Employees/Retirees!

Did you know you can direct your Workplace Charitable Campaign dollars? To donate to CMETrust, just visit the Charitable Campaign website and follow the instructions for donating to other charities, you will find CMETrust listed in the registry.
Not a government employee, but interested in donating? Visit our website to find out how
  • Kerry Kelly
    published this page in Blog 2020-10-05 20:56:02 -0400

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